  • Comments Off on Antik-France is a French resource. Its assortment includes antique and vintage goods from those sellers who sell such items. The site guarantees its users that there is no risk of counterfeiting and low-quality goods. All sold items have a certified description that tells the story of the item, points out its merits and demerits, external…

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This site has become somewhat obsolete but is very much liked by those online auctioneers who are conservatives. WebStore is one of the oldest auction sites conducts bids in a wide variety of categories in the United States. For example, coins, badges, photographs, postage stamps and postcards, engravings, medals, jewelry, porcelain, glass, faience, ceramics, various…

Tax returns for the sale of antiques
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All residents and non-residents of Canada who have been living in the country for more than six months and have sources of income there are required to use the so-called self-assessment principle to calculate income taxes in their annual financial statements. To do this, they must complete and submit an individual tax return. Who is required…

  • Comments Off on Ricardo

The site was established in 1998 and has since been regularly ranked among the top 10 most visited sites in Switzerland. It was founded by Naspers based on one of its branches in Tsuge. On this site, visitors can sell goods or buy other products. The site became incredibly effective, and its popularity in…

  • Comments Off on Catawiki

This is an online auction that follows the example of eBay. It specializes only in collectibles (such as watches, coins, rare stamps, vintage cars, works of art, jewelry, and other products that may include unique or rare items). In Catawiki, auctions of a narrow theme are held periodically, with the sale of lots participating those…

  • Comments Off on МасDougall`s

The auction house MacDougall is unique in that it is the only institution in the world that deals exclusively with works of Russian art. The bidding that this House organizes takes place in London twice a year during the so-called Russian Weeks (that’s June and December). Lots consist of paintings by Russian artists, as well…

  • Comments Off on HOOD is an Internet platform from Germany that was created in 2000. It is the second-most popular online trading platform (the eBay Internet giant ranks first place). This site has fewer visitors than eBay and fewer goods sold but it also has an advantage. The advantage is that gives the opportunity to participate in…

  • Comments Off on AY.BY

AY.BY is an online sales platform from Belarus. It is the leading organization among such resources in the territory of Belarus. The trade here is conducted by the auction method. On AY.BY experts sell items of completely different purposes and a rather wide range of categories. These include antiques, sculptures, vases, painted enamel, glass, bronze,…

  • Comments Off on Dorotheum

Dorotheum Castle is located in Vienna and is famous for its auctions, which have been held there since 1707. These auctions have been mentioned in official documents since that year. The auction house Dorotheum organizes the auction in other cities of Austria and even abroad, for example in Prague. More than six hundred such auctions…

  • Comments Off on Hampel

Hampel is a trading platform for luxury goods. The main areas of trading are modern and classical painting; unique jewelry, including diamonds; antique art, including bronze; expensive porcelain; and ancient art in Asia, India, China, and the Middle East. Today, Hampel has a category of Russian art, which is only in the stage of development….